The BSS-02B magnetic susceptibility borehole sonde is used in
mineral exploration, particularly for discrimination of kimberlites in diamond
exploration, and for stratigraphic correlation to depths of 6000
The sonde has a diameter of 43mm and is designed and calibrated
for a 50mm borehole. Rated at 120°C, 10,000psi.
The sonde comprises two
sections, an aluminium alloy cylindrical enclosure containing electronic
circuitry and a high-strength non-magnetic enclosure in which the detector is
The sonde operates from an unregulated 15V nominal supply and
provides an output in the form of a three-wire CMOS serial interface for
integration into the client's data acquisition system.
Wide measuring range: 10-5 to 10-1 cgs
Low operating frequency: 1.36kHz
Good vertical resolution: 25mm with dual coil system
Operates to pressures of 10,000 psi
Operates to temperatures of 120°C: calibrated at 100°C
Fast: logs at up to 21 readings per second
High spatial resolution: will resolve strata down to 25mm
Low temperature induced drift: <±20x10-5 cgs over the calibrated
temperature range 0°C to 100°C
BSS-02B Sonde in use